Saturday, January 17, 2009


2008 has brought to mind a few things that I want to remember:
  1. February: We snowmobiled in and around Newberry w/ our doctor friends. What a gift it has been to add them to our list of friends.
  2. March: While waiting for Hana, Abi, Grace, and Mom and Dad to come back home we were gifted with Ally for 2 weeks. What a joy to have such a shining personality. We added Granddaughter # 4: Hana Brainerd and Grandson # 3: Abenezer Brainerd. What a gift they are to our family! I can't imagine ever being without them.
  3. April: I enjoyed my first visit back with Cathy's family. They are doing well!
  4. May: a month filled with spring concerts @ the middle school and ball games beginning. Collin is getting to be quite the sportsman and Kyle is enjoying his t-ball! And of course this intertwines with our planting season. But all went well and the seed is planted and waiting for that warm sunshine and rains!
  5. June: Abi's birthday is the 28th, but we celebrate Hana's too as we just missed hers (March 9th)....what a celebration! Abi said it best when asked what day it is: "4 grrrandmas!" There were so many grandparents there to help celebrate!
  6. July: Joe and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary! We took some time on the western side of the state and enjoyed Holland. Thirty years! wow! But it just keeps getting better. :o) Joe got to fly to Iowa with the Midwest group. What an adventure for him. And Terry Newland renovated the end of our shed by putting siding and edging ...looks nice!
  7. August: We celebrated our Rolfe family birthdays! 3 (Hailey/princess); 6 (Kyle/farmer); and 9 (Collin/sportster). We managed a trip to Chicago and a pier tour w/ double docs. We bought Diane a sabre cat snowmobile. And had a beautiful family w/e from Friday to Sunday w/ all of the grandkids! Fun! Fun! Fun!
  8. September: Vacationed in the UP. Collin's football and Kyle's soccer. Julie turned 24 and Joe.....another year older but aging well!
  9. October: busy with harvest as always....but managed to attend the Rolfe Harvest Party! What fun and Cathy and family were able to come too!
  10. November: Still finishing harvest......getting tired! My birthday present.....but on the 7th....we finished! Yeah! Now let me sleep! First snow for Hana and Abi! Beautiful shots by Mark! Very thankful to have my family time!
  11. December: Sad news that my best friend, Teri has lung cancer. Praying for a recovery for her and blessings for her family during this trying time. A nice reunion for us though! Our first riding in Grayling on the 10th! Beautiful snow! Our family Christmas! Very enjoyable time!
  12. I feel blessed to have had such enjoyable times. Some listed here and some not. I thank God for each and every moment. May we continue to grow in love!

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